Today started out different being to the fact that I stayed at a completely different hospital. I woke up close to 7:30 and my roommate Stephan was laying in his bed looking at his phone. We exchanged good mornings and chatted for a while about just randomness. It was nice to just have a casual chat with someone that wasn't about cancer or treatment or blah, blah. The nurses brought him in breakfast and I was unable to eat because I was going to have a procedure within a couple of hours. Stephan offered to eat in the hallway but I insisted that I was fine with him eating I front of me. He was a very polite person. After his breakfast, his dr. Came in and told him that he was free to leave. He got ready and we said goodbye! I really enjoyed meeting him and I will keep I touch with him via the world wid web! 9:00 and a nurse walks in to tell me to get my things gathered so I can go down stairs. I love being carted around in a hospital bed (as sick as that may sound) I feel like I'm a little kid being pushed around with no control. It's fun for me! So we make it to the procedure room and I am able to get wifi for five minutes to get a text off to Megan to let her know that I'm going in for the procedure and not to worry.9:30ish I'm in the procedure room and there are two nurses working around me explaining what is going on and hooking me to all sorts of feeds. One of them puts an plastic gag with a hole in it in my mouth and the dr. Said "you feel a little tired, yes?" Befor I could say anything they were waking me up saying that all went well and they needed me to roll over to my bed for transport. The whole procedure took a half hour or so and I woke right up from the anesthesia without any problems. This is really weird to me because in the US I always have a really hard time waking from anesthesia and need to be kept on oxygen for hours after. Maybe the Germans don't over drug you! Crazy. About 10:30 I get upstairs and they are waiting to put me in a room. I am starving but they will not let me eat just yet. The nurses gave me some medication to help me relax and some fluids. I fell asleep for a while. The nurses kept coming over and grabbing my wrist to get responses from me while I layed resting. Around 12:30 they wheeled me down stairs to the gastroenterology rooms are and set me up in a room until I could talk to a dr.
Earlier after my procedure the dr. Said that they needed to discuss the procedure before they decided to let me go and that they possibly wanted to keep me through the weekend. I didn't want to stay through the weekend at this hospital. Around 2:00 the dr. Who did my procedure came to talk to me and let me know that they placed a shunt to allow my bile ducts drain into my duodenum. Technical terms. I have a growth that is creating an obstruction which is inturn making me jaundice. They fixed that. He told me that the piece he put in is plastic and would need to be changed or removed within twelve weeks. This is something that I could have done in the states. My color of skin and eyes is already clearing so I am really happy about this. Anyways the dr.cleared me to leave and called the Klinik to come get me. At this point it was 2:45 and I still haven't eaten anything. I'm really hungry and the dr. Said as soon as the blood work comes back that I can eat. 3:15 blood work back, ok to eat, ready to eat, yay so excited, knock knock at the door! Freakin Stephan the driver from the Klinik! So now no food for another hour, I'm happy I'm leaving but I am so grumpy from hunger. Anyways I can wait so we left. When we drove back to the Klinik I noticed every single place that was serving food and it just made me more hungry. There was traffic on the autobahn, going towards Austria. Stephan said that there is a lot of snow so the people leave town on the weekends to go there. Much like all us p-town kids and Tahoe. We finally made it back to the Klinik and I went in to see dr. Weber. He is very happy with the outcome of this procedure, he gets really excited. I love it! 5:15 I took a quick shower to wash big hospital off of me and then went down to dinner. It was the best dinner that I have had in a really long time. All the Americans went for pizza tonight in town! They invited me but I was just not feeling it. I was way too tired and grumpy. I also found out that they all went on the train earlier today so I missed that opportunity as well. I'm a little bummed and feel left out but, I will go by myself tomorrow instead and have a great old time, yeah! So I came. Back to my room and the food gave me a second wind so I decided to write my blog and send it out. I hope you all enjoy it. I will post again tomorrow. Stay tuned. More adventures in Germany right around the corner!! Love. Lucas
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